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ABF donirao sportsku opremu za Los Rosales

U srijedu 28. aprila 2016. su predstavnici Fondacije Asmir Begović posjetili Centar za djecu i omladinu s posebnim potrebama Los Rosales u Mostaru i uručili donaciju u vidu sportske opreme. Centar Los Rosales izgrađen je i opremljen 1997. godine, potpuno donatorskim sredstvima Vlade Španije. Zvanično je otvoren 11.03.1998. godine, kao odgovor na potrebe djece i mladih s posebnim potrebama Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona. U znak zahvalnosti

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ABF donated football kits to Los Rosales

This April Asmir Begovic Foundation team visited Centre for Children and Youth with Special Needs Los Rosales in Mostar.

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EFA modna revija

Asmir i Fondacija ovim putem zahvaljuju se članovima PTA odbora Edenhurst škole u Newcastle under Lyme koji su modnom revijom njihovih učenika skupili novac i donirali ga Fondaciji. Revija je održana u samoj školi, a sudjelovali su učenici i roditelji koji su skupili 135 funti i donirali ih ABF-u. Posebna zahvalnost za Sally Sturge, predsjednici odbora te direktoru škole gospodinu Copesticku na njihovoj podršci

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Reprezentativnu pauzu i posjetu domovini u martu Asmir je iskoristio i za posjetu dovršenom sportskom igralištu u školi za djecu s posebnim potrebama Mjedenica u Sarajevu. Zahvaljujući dijelom Fondaciji Asmir Begović, škola koja je otvorena prije šezdeset godina prvi put je dobila vlastito igralište za potrebe više od 180 djece koja se školuju ovdje. Djeca su bila oduševljena što su još jednom imala priliku

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Mjedenica – Project Complete!

While visiting Bosnia in March Asmir visited the now completed play area for the children at the school in Mjedenica, Sarajevo. 60 years after first opening, the school at Mjedenica now has an outdoor sports facility for its 180 children. The children were thrilled to meet with Asmir again and he was proud to be there to attend their opening ceremony and to play

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Redgate Clayton

Zadovoljstvo nam je objaviti da je Fondacija Asmir Begović završila projekat pomoći za Redgate Clayton FC iz Newcastlea u Straffordshieru. Novac skupljen od Fondacije iskorišten je za renoviranje svlačionica na malom stadionu ovog kluba. To znači da će ovaj lokalni fudbalski klub, koji ima selekcije od sedam godina starosti naviše, u budućnosti moći privući još više djece u svoje mlade timove. Asmir je u

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Redgate Clayton – Project Complete!

Asmir is pleased to announce the completion of the project at Redgate Clayton Football Club, Newcastle, Staffordshire. The money raised by the Foundation allowed the refurbishment of the changing room facilities at the club. This has meant the club have now been able to enroll many more children for the youth teams, ranging from under seven’s to eleven and above. Asmir attended a ribbon

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EFA Fashion Show

EFA Fashion show held in May at Edenhurst Prepatory School Newcastle under Lyme Asmir and The Foundation would like to thank the members of the PTA board at Edenhurst School for raising funds for ABF. A fashion show was held at the school in May and £ 135, part of the proceeds of the evening were donated to ABF. Special recognition to Mrs Sally

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EFA Fashion

On Tuesday May 12th, Shop2Drop Ltd will be hosting a fashion show at Edenhurst Preparatory School. The event starts at 7:30pm and will feature items from brands such as; Ex Oasis, River Island, Miss Selfridge, CC, Evans, Next, Wallis, Topshop, M&S, Debenhams and New Look – in sizes from 8 to 20. Items will be available at discounts of up to 75%!

Project Update

Our local project is the Redgate Clayton Football Club which was established back in 1985 and has a very loyal and supportive following in the local community. They had wanted to upgrade facilities ( changing rooms / toilets) so that children could once again not only train at the ground but also the club could re-instate the Sunday league games for the under 6’s

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